Hi Steve,
I'm feeling your pain now when using the Edit | Find dialog method of
searching. I just opened a clean copy of Northwind in Access 2003, and then
opened the Employees form. I selected the Personal Info tab, and clicked into
the Notes field, at the beginning of the sentence. This is for employee
"Nancy Davolio", and the mouse cursor is positioned just before the word
"Education". I did a search for this word, and got the same result that you
did. Interestingly, I was able to find this record if I clicked anywhere else
within the Notes field for this record, or started my search using a
different employee record.
I have not used the built in search or Filter by Selection/Filter by Form
features for many years. In applications that I create, I provide an unbound
QBF (Query By Form) search form, and I remove the standard menu, so that one
cannot invoke the Edit | Search or Filter capabilities. I know this may not
be the answer you want to read, but I think you will be much happier with the
search capabilities in the long run, if you move to this type of search.
Implementing a fully capable QBF search form requires some experience writing
queries, as well as writing and debugging VBA code. Here are some examples,
which range from very simple to somewhat more complex:
Easiest--very little VBA code. Includes Word doc. written by Michael
Fairly easy--demonstrates "iterating" the .ItemsSelected property of a
multi-select list box:
A bit more complex
See the download "Query By Form"
Tom Wickerath, February 12, 2008
Access MVP Allen Browne has a more generic sample available, that you might
want to look into as well:
Search criteria
Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP