search facility



I would like to create a search facility on a blank form, so the user can
select to search by customer name or reference.
I then want it to show the results possible on the same form or maybe on
another form. Then the user can select the correct customer or reference they
want from the search results and go to the main form which shows that record
I would like to know if this is possible and if someone could help me and
give me advice on the steps i need to take.
I am using Microsoft access 2007.
Thank in Advance


I would suggest you create a blank form

add a frame with two radio buttons

add a text box (or preferably a combo box with a row source that changes on
the radio button update) for search criteria

add a list box to show results

on the radio button update event create code to set the combo box row source
to the criteria set, i.e. customer or refference

on the combo box/ text box after update event create code to update the
listbox row source

on the listbox double click create code to open a form with the correct info.

as to the code for each step. That's pretty involved.

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