Search Fails


M Swanson

Hello, i have created a web search in Front Page, on a system wiht front page extensions installed. When i search for something i get this error: Error from search: 2can't open the inverted index file ...public_html/_vti_txt/default.wti/All.inv, i went in through ftp and that file is missing, what can i do to make it funciton properly. Thanks MSwanson

Thomas A. Rowe

Contact your host and ask them to run a check on the extensions for your


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

M Swanson said:
Hello, i have created a web search in Front Page, on a system wiht front
page extensions installed. When i search for something i get this error:
Error from search: 2can't open the inverted index file
....public_html/_vti_txt/default.wti/All.inv, i went in through ftp and that
file is missing, what can i do to make it funciton properly. Thanks

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