Ste Mac
Hi, the macro below builds number and then checks the next set it
builds against all the other sets it has built to see if there is a
match of
more than 4 numbers.
I expected it to be fast, it is, at the beginning... but slows down
dramatically the more it has to check... is so big a slow to be
or is there a tweak I have not done... cheers
Full code
Sub chechformatches()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F
Dim mycounter As Long
Dim hitcounter As Long
Dim allcounter As Long
Dim allscen As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
hitcounter = 0
'Just clears the sheet ready for generation
Dim startcell, endcell, Rng As Range
Set startcell = Sheets("Max Lines").Range("A3")
Set endcell = Sheets("Max Lines").Range("G" & Rows.count).End
(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Set Rng = Range(startcell, endcell)
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Sheets("Max Lines").Range("AB4:AB403").ClearContents
For A = 1 To 25
For B = A + 1 To 26
For C = B + 1 To 27
For D = C + 1 To 28
For E = D + 1 To 29
For F = E + 1 To 30
'Check the generated line for a match of 4 or more from the previously
generated lines
Dim twoballarrArray(999999, 7) As Variant
Dim myintRow
Dim myintColumn
Dim AllMatches, myLastRow, myxlrow, myk, thematches As Long
Dim IfAthere, IfBthere, IfCthere, IfDthere, IfEthere, IfFthere As
myxlrow = 1
myLastRow = Sheets("Max Lines").Cells(myxlrow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
'Bottom of the table to check against
For myintColumn = 2 To 7 'The amount of columns wide
For myintRow = 2 To myLastRow 'The amount of Rows to go down
twoballarrArray(myintRow, myintColumn) = Sheets("Max Lines").Cells
(myintRow, myintColumn) ' The array to check, columns and rows
For myxlrow = 1 To myLastRow 'From the first row to the last row with
data in it
For myk = 2 To 7 'Check the columns
Select Case twoballarrArray(myxlrow, myk)
Case A: IfAthere = 1
Case B: IfBthere = 1
Case C: IfCthere = 1
Case D: IfDthere = 1
Case E: IfEthere = 1
Case F: IfFthere = 1
End Select
AllMatches = IfAthere + IfBthere + IfCthere + IfDthere + IfEthere +
IfFthere 'The total of all the matches
IfAthere = 0
IfBthere = 0
IfCthere = 0
IfDthere = 0 ' Set the matches back to zero
IfEthere = 0
IfFthere = 0
If AllMatches > 4 Then
thematches = 1
End If
If thematches = 0 Then
'This writes all the data to the sheet much faster using the
array (the resize just expands the range to write in)
Dim z
z = Array(allscen, A, B, C, D, E, F)
Sheets("Max Lines").Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1,
0).Resize(, 7) = z
hitcounter = hitcounter + 1
End If
AllMatches = 0
thematches = 0
mycounter = mycounter + 1
Application.StatusBar = "Checking Line" & " " & Format(A, "#00") & "
" & Format(B, "#00") & " " & Format(C, "#00") & " " & Format(D,
"#00") & " " & Format(E, "#00") & " " & Format(F, "#00") & " " & _
"Completed = " & Format(mycounter, "#00000000") & " " & "Found
Singular Repeat = " & Format(hitcounter, "#000")
Next F
Next E
Next D
Next C
Next B
Next A
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
builds against all the other sets it has built to see if there is a
match of
more than 4 numbers.
I expected it to be fast, it is, at the beginning... but slows down
dramatically the more it has to check... is so big a slow to be
or is there a tweak I have not done... cheers
Full code
Sub chechformatches()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F
Dim mycounter As Long
Dim hitcounter As Long
Dim allcounter As Long
Dim allscen As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
hitcounter = 0
'Just clears the sheet ready for generation
Dim startcell, endcell, Rng As Range
Set startcell = Sheets("Max Lines").Range("A3")
Set endcell = Sheets("Max Lines").Range("G" & Rows.count).End
(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Set Rng = Range(startcell, endcell)
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Sheets("Max Lines").Range("AB4:AB403").ClearContents
For A = 1 To 25
For B = A + 1 To 26
For C = B + 1 To 27
For D = C + 1 To 28
For E = D + 1 To 29
For F = E + 1 To 30
'Check the generated line for a match of 4 or more from the previously
generated lines
Dim twoballarrArray(999999, 7) As Variant
Dim myintRow
Dim myintColumn
Dim AllMatches, myLastRow, myxlrow, myk, thematches As Long
Dim IfAthere, IfBthere, IfCthere, IfDthere, IfEthere, IfFthere As
myxlrow = 1
myLastRow = Sheets("Max Lines").Cells(myxlrow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
'Bottom of the table to check against
For myintColumn = 2 To 7 'The amount of columns wide
For myintRow = 2 To myLastRow 'The amount of Rows to go down
twoballarrArray(myintRow, myintColumn) = Sheets("Max Lines").Cells
(myintRow, myintColumn) ' The array to check, columns and rows
For myxlrow = 1 To myLastRow 'From the first row to the last row with
data in it
For myk = 2 To 7 'Check the columns
Select Case twoballarrArray(myxlrow, myk)
Case A: IfAthere = 1
Case B: IfBthere = 1
Case C: IfCthere = 1
Case D: IfDthere = 1
Case E: IfEthere = 1
Case F: IfFthere = 1
End Select
AllMatches = IfAthere + IfBthere + IfCthere + IfDthere + IfEthere +
IfFthere 'The total of all the matches
IfAthere = 0
IfBthere = 0
IfCthere = 0
IfDthere = 0 ' Set the matches back to zero
IfEthere = 0
IfFthere = 0
If AllMatches > 4 Then
thematches = 1
End If
If thematches = 0 Then
'This writes all the data to the sheet much faster using the
array (the resize just expands the range to write in)
Dim z
z = Array(allscen, A, B, C, D, E, F)
Sheets("Max Lines").Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1,
0).Resize(, 7) = z
hitcounter = hitcounter + 1
End If
AllMatches = 0
thematches = 0
mycounter = mycounter + 1
Application.StatusBar = "Checking Line" & " " & Format(A, "#00") & "
" & Format(B, "#00") & " " & Format(C, "#00") & " " & Format(D,
"#00") & " " & Format(E, "#00") & " " & Format(F, "#00") & " " & _
"Completed = " & Format(mycounter, "#00000000") & " " & "Found
Singular Repeat = " & Format(hitcounter, "#000")
Next F
Next E
Next D
Next C
Next B
Next A
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub