Hi Adam,
Thank you for posting.
From your post, I understand that the message before 2007 cannot be
retrieved when attempting to search a folder in PST file. If I'm off base,
please feel free to let me know.
At this time, please let me know:
1. The Windows Version (XP or Vista) of the client. If the Outlook 2007
installed on Windows XP, please let me know whether the WDS (Windows
Desktop Search) installed. To check whether the Windows Desktop Search
installed, please check the following registry key:
DWORD: SetupCompletedSuccessfully
Value: 1
2. Whether does the issue occur only on a specific folder in a PST file?
For example, if you create a new PST file and move several old messages
before 2007 to the new PST file, wait some time for WDS index the new PST
file, please search the old message again. Whether does the issue still
3. Find a message in the folder before 2007, then try copying the subject
of the item and pasting it into search box to see if that lets you find the
item. If you can find the item by copy & pasting, then that means the item
is indexed.
4. Please capture some screenshots to me to show how you search the
messages and the result you received in order to know the issue more
clearly. You can send the screenshots to me at (e-mail address removed)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mike Shen
Microsoft Online Community Support
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