search for cell and clear contents



I am working with a macro and I am in the final stages. I need to clean up
the excel file by deleting all the rows/columns not needed. What I am looking
for is a formula I can add to my macro that searches column A for the first
cell that contains 8 blank spaces " ", when it finds this cell, I
would like the formula to delete that entire row and everything beneath this
row. Something like:
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select


Mike said:
I am working with a macro and I am in the final stages. I need to clean up
the excel file by deleting all the rows/columns not needed. What I am looking
for is a formula I can add to my macro that searches column A for the first
cell that contains 8 blank spaces " ", when it finds this cell, I
would like the formula to delete that entire row and everything beneath this
row. Something like:
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Try this:

Range("A:A").Find(What:=" ", LookIn:=xlValues).Activate

HTH, CoRrRan

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