Here is a possible way. It works, but probably can be refined. It does not
use Selection.
Sub HereKitty()
Dim r As Range
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Set r = ActiveDocument.Range
With r.Find
Do While .Execute(Findtext:="The cat", Forward:=True) = True
j = r.End
r.Expand unit:=wdSentence
With r.Find
If .Execute(Findtext:="the mat", _
Forward:=True) = True Then
k = r.Start
MsgBox ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=j, _
End If
End With
r.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
What it does:
1. makes a range of the document
2. looks for "The cat"
3. makes the variable j = .End of the Found range. Remember, when Range is
used with Find the range itself changes to the Found parameters. This is
important. This makes j = the .End of "The cat"
4. expands the Found range to to sentence.
eg. The cat sat on the mat. The Found makes r = "The cat" range. The
Expands makes it "The cat sat on the mat."
5. does a Find in THAT range for "the mat"
6. if Found, that makes r now = the range of "the mat". The variable k = .
Start - ie. the value at the start of "the mat"
7. now we have the END of "The cat" (ie. j) , and the START of "the mat" (ie.
8. Display whatever is between those in messagebox - but you could do
whatever you want with it).
9. collapse r. IMPORTANT! Otherwise it gets stuck in a loop.
The cat sat on the mat.
The cat purred its way across the mat.
The code will display:
"on the"
"purred its way across "
I used the Expand to the Sentence, as that seems to be what you want. It
could be adjusted.