Search Form Assistance.. Please help




I would like to ask "beg" for some assistance. I am new to Access and VB
scripting (very new). I have taken upon myself the task of creating a System
Inventory database. This database is intended to track Desktop and Laptop
information as well as support incidents per system. With that said here is
my issue:

My intention for this form is as follows:


1. When the IT dept receives a desktop or laptop that requires servicing the
Technician can pull up the search form and enter the serial# of the desktop
or laptop into a text field "Search Box". Once the user clicks the search
button it would display the systems information in the text boxes to the
right of the search text box (The results will not be editable- display only).

2. Just below the search box I have four task options: Update System
Information, Create Support Case, Search Again/Clear Form and Close form.
When the user clicks the Create Support Case entry button, I would like it
open a separate form "Support Entry" (based on the results of the search) to
allow the Technician to enter the case# that the system manufacturer assigns
the case and allow the user to input notes of the case and a date the case
was opened.

The problem I am running into is that I cannot seem to figure out how to pass
the "Search Text box entry" to populate the remaining fields (currently when
you click search it displays the first record of the Systems table)
I am not even sure how this can be done.

Is it possble to "program" the Search button to reference the "Search Text
Box" for the search criteria and then retreive the corresponding table entrys
to populate the text boxes to the right (display only boxes)??

Oh my head is hurting!!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

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