Search Form



i have a listbox that is updated from a textbox to use as a search facility,
this works fine when just opening up the search form on its own.

from my main form i have added another textbox that opens up the search form
and copies the data from one textbox to another, but i cannot get the
listbox to show the data in the textbox that has been copied from the
textbox on the main form. i need to be able to requery the listbox when the
textbox gets the focus, butcannot seem to get it to work, tried a few things
but nothing works

could someone help with this


Jeff Boyce


You haven't told us what "few things" you've tried that don't work -- are
you asking us to do random trial/error?

Have you looked into adding code to the AfterUpdate or GotFocus event of
your textbox? I'm not completely clear on what you are trying to do (you
described "how"), but if you are trying to get your listbox to requery after
a value is entered, you could use something like (actual syntax may vary):


Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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