Search function inoperative in Entourage address book


Chris Watson

My search function is no longer working in the Entourage Address Book.
Initially, large sections of my contact list would simply vanish, allowing
me to scroll through long lines of blank space. After rebuilding my
database, contacts don¹t vanish but the search simply doesn¹t do anything.
If I type in the ³Name Contains...² search field, Entourage isn¹t actually
running the search and the Clear/Reset icon to the right remains greyed out.

It also sometimes fails to work when I¹m searching for information in this
and other MS forums.

The address book information is accessible if I run the search through

Any suggestions would be welcome. I just hope I¹m able to search for and
find your replies in this forum!



Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.6.2
MS Entourage v12.2.3

Diane Ross

It sounds like your database is still corrupted. Try this for me.

Export your Address Book as .rge file:

1. Under File select Export
2. Uncheck all items from the default action to export as Entourage archive
(.rge) file except Contacts.
3. Let me know if there is an error on export.
4. Create a new Identity in Entourage and import the .rge file.
5. Turn on Spotlight search in Entourage preferences and give it a few
minutes to index then test.

What are the results?

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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Chris Watson

Hi Diane,

Thanks for the suggestions (sorry for the delay in responding but I was on a
business trip and didn't want to try anything with my Ent dbase until I was

I followed the steps you laid out ­ exporting Contacts as a .rge file,
importing into new identity, and then test after turning on Spotlight
search. Here's what happened:

1. No errors on export except a message saying that address book groups
couldn't be exported and giving steps to get the group info.
2. Imported into new identity with no errors.
3. Searching the contacts from within Entourage worked exactly the way it is
supposed in the new identity using the search field at the upper right of
the contacts page.
4. Searching via Spotlight in the new identity worked fine.
5. Returning to my original identity, searching contacts list continues to
be fine using Spotlight.
6. Searching via the search field on the contacts page continues to fail - I
enter the search info (e.g., a last name) but the search doesn't run and the
"clear text field" icon to the right of the text field remained greyed out.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks,


Diane Ross

6. Searching via the search field on the contacts page continues to fail - I
enter the search info (e.g., a last name) but the search doesn't run and the
"clear text field" icon to the right of the text field remained greyed out.

Just to be clear....we are talking about the Simple Find search box?


Did this ever work using the criteria you are using? Simple Find is rather
simplistic. I rarely use it and rely on Spotlight search.

See FAQs on using simple Find. Most of this applies to pre-Office 2008 with
Spotlight search inside the application.


Advanced Find in 08 brings up the Spotlight search window.

Chris Watson

Yes, the Simple Find search box. Yes, it previously worked and now doesn't.
However, I guess I'll just ignore it (had been using it out of habit) in
favor of the Spotlight search option.

Diane Ross

This could be an early sign of database corruption. Do this stress test for

Under File --> Export select Entourage archive (.rge) file (all items) more
info <>
1. If this fails to complete or gives an error at the end, it indicates
2. If the export completes, create a new Identity in Entourage and import
that file.
3. If the export and import of the .rge file completes, this indicates a
good database.


Yes, the Simple Find search box. Yes, it previously worked and now doesn't.
However, I guess I'll just ignore it (had been using it out of habit) in
favor of the Spotlight search option.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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