Search Function Not Working



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I have Office 2008 (12.1.4) and the search function is not returning any results. The Filter works fine, but not search.

Thomas B.

I fixed it. I just deleted the /.Spotlight-V100 folder and let it re-index. Works like a champ.


so i didn't follow that page but decided to re-install MS Office for mac 2008 and its stuck on 'locating office versions' for more than 45 minutes. suggestions?

Diane Ross

so i didn't follow that page but decided to re-install MS Office for mac 2008
and its stuck on 'locating office versions' for more than 45 minutes.

Do you have...

have an external hard drive plugged in
having Parallels software running


ok, i've reinstalled ms office, (after a 'manual remove) pointed back to a separated 'identity' read in all that old stuff and then tried to do a search within the inbox main folder and it still doesn't work.
Help please.


Diane Ross

ok, i've reinstalled ms office, (after a 'manual remove) pointed back to a
separated 'identity' read in all that old stuff and then tried to do a search
within the inbox main folder and it still doesn't work.

Spotlight search works by the Spotlight indexing your files in the Finder.
This takes place very quickly, but depending on the size of your database
and if you are using your computer for other tasks this could take longer.

Did you check in Entourage preferences to see if you enabled Sync Services?

You can check the actual files:

"YOUR USER FOLDER/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft/Entourage"


thanks but... there is no folder:
"YOUR USER FOLDER/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft/Entourage"

under caches, there is no metadata folder would have thought that re-installing office would have fixed that.



Diane Ross

under caches, there is no metadata folder would have thought that
re-installing office would have fixed that.

If there is no metadata folder, you might have some problems with your base
OS install. Check in a new User's account. Go to System Preferences -->
Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the New User by logging out/in or
use Fast User Switching. See if there is a Metadata folder in the User's
Library folder.


OK, my earlier comment of 'no folder' was wrong. your last comment pointed me in the right direction. so, there is a folder as you describe under my user. it looks proper. did log in to a 'new' user accessed entourage and search did work. so how do i get search working again?
in comparing the two user accounts down to the main identities, both folders have the same content


BTW, my primary login also does 'do' Java apps in browsers. do you think this problem has some parallel between the two issues?

Diane Ross

OK, my earlier comment of 'no folder' was wrong. your last comment pointed me
in the right direction. so, there is a folder as you describe under my user.
it looks proper. did log in to a 'new' user accessed entourage and search did
work. so how do i get search working again?

You might need to reset Sync Services. See this page for options.

in comparing the two user accounts down to the main identities, both folders
have the same content

It's the preferences, cache files etc. that are new in your new Test User.
This is one way to eliminate a problem in your current User.


java applications in safari or firefox don't work at all.
when i switch to my 'new user' java works fine.

do see a parallel between java not working and the searching within entourage, but don't know how to fix either.


do java
means that when i am on websites that use java the applications don't work.

Diane Ross

java applications in safari or firefox don't work at all.
when i switch to my 'new user' java works fine.

Ouch! Finding a corrupt preference in your User's account is tough.

Follow the steps

I was going to suggest doing a combo refresh of your OS install, but since
a new User is OK, it's probably not necessary. However, it never hurts.


Mac OS X 10.5.6 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

Did I give you this check list to verify your install of Spotlight files?
I'm suspicious since your java isn't working that the .mdimporter files
might be missing.


Let me know how your testing goes.


results from second link first: all files are in the /2008/main identity/ folder. in comparing the contents of this folder between the 'old' login and the new login, file contents are the same.

results from first link, page not found, other search for this download reveals that i am already at 10.5.6

how can i get the searches to work again in entourage without completely starting over? to fix the search and the java issue?

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