search function on a web page



I need some help in getting a search function on my website. I purchased a
template with the text box and graphics (see for
what it looks like). When I try to add the search function, it adds a
"Search Now" box and a "Reset" box below the text box, neither of which I

How can I use the box that is in the template with the icon to activate the
search? My goal is to type in the magazine, click the magnifying glass icon
and have the results displayed. Can this be done?

Tom Pepper Willett

You would need to contact the vendor where you purchased the template and
ask them.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
How to ask a newsgroup question:
|I need some help in getting a search function on my website. I purchased a
| template with the text box and graphics (see for
| what it looks like). When I try to add the search function, it adds a
| "Search Now" box and a "Reset" box below the text box, neither of which I
| want.
| How can I use the box that is in the template with the icon to activate
| search? My goal is to type in the magazine, click the magnifying glass
| and have the results displayed. Can this be done?
| Thanks.

p c

Did you purhase a template, a seerch/indexing tool, both? What is the
search form supposed to search?


I purchased the template and it had the form that you see included but it did
note that the programming would have to be entered for it to function.
That's what I am trying to do. I did write the vendor but they did not
respond back. Figures...

p c

Your web site needs to have an indexing feature of your web pages or the
products you wan to sell if that is want you want to search. The index
is usually stored in some kind of a database. The search form submits to
a processing page which queries the dbase and returns the search
results. You need to check with your site host to see if it provides
search capabilities.


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