I have been using the Excel SEARCH Function to search for a specifie
value in a text string in a cell. However, I'd like to be able t
search that cell's contents to see if it contains one of a list o
values I have in a separate table. For example:
a1: "The quick brown"
a2: "fox jumps"
a3: "over the"
a4: "lazy toad"
My lookup table in the next column would contain
b1: "quick"
b2: "over"
b3: "toad"
I want my search results to come back with:
a1: True (contains quick)
a2: False (does not contain quick, over or toad)
a3: True (contains over)
a4: True (contains toad)
Any ideas on how I might do this kind of reverse array lookup?
value in a text string in a cell. However, I'd like to be able t
search that cell's contents to see if it contains one of a list o
values I have in a separate table. For example:
a1: "The quick brown"
a2: "fox jumps"
a3: "over the"
a4: "lazy toad"
My lookup table in the next column would contain
b1: "quick"
b2: "over"
b3: "toad"
I want my search results to come back with:
a1: True (contains quick)
a2: False (does not contain quick, over or toad)
a3: True (contains over)
a4: True (contains toad)
Any ideas on how I might do this kind of reverse array lookup?