Search in ON 2007



Onenote 2007 now only finds search terms in the open section, not in other
sections, section groups or notebooks. I can search on a term in an open
section and ON finds it. When I switch to another section or section group,
ON responds that it found "0 matches" & offers a number of unhelpful
suggestions, like check spelling, etc., even though it found the same term
when the relevant section was open.

I am running Vista Business 32 bit. I have rebuilt the index in WDS 4.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Onenote 2007 now only finds search terms in the open section, not
in other sections, section groups or notebooks. I can search on a
term in an open section and ON finds it. When I switch to another
section or section group, ON responds that it found "0 matches" &
offers a number of unhelpful suggestions, like check spelling,
etc., even though it found the same term when the relevant section
was open.

Could it be that you just did not specify where to search?

Try the little down-arrow on the right side of the search-field.



I tried help/office diagnostics, which did not help. Is "repair" something
else &, if so, where do I find that? Thanks.


I had rebuilt the index - it said completed after indexing 14,000+ items.
Now when I checked (no having rebuit index again, yet), it says completed
after indexing 104,000+ items. Now, it searches & finds items on remote


Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
I had rebuilt the index - it said completed after indexing 14,000+
items. Now when I checked (no having rebuit index again, yet), it
says completed after indexing 104,000+ items. Now, it searches &
finds items on remote sections/groups/notebooks.

Thanks fir the feedback.
Glad to hear that it now works.



I too am running into this problem. Onenote only finds search items in open
notebooks, not closed notebooks. I have rebuilt the Windows Desktop Search
index thru the control panel, but still no luck. Actual message is "Onenote
found 0 matches in all notebooks". How do I get the search function to work


I fixed the problem. I had moved the Onenote folder to my documents, as well
as moving my documents to a different volume. I modified the search
locations in Windows Search 4.0, the index was rebuilt, and now all is
working fine.


Rainald Taesler

Shipwrecked said:
I fixed the problem. I had moved the Onenote folder to my
documents, as well as moving my documents to a different volume. I
modified the search locations in Windows Search 4.0, the index was
rebuilt, and now all is working fine.
Tanks for the success report.
Glad to here that you got things going.



I want to join this thread because I have just had this problem big time! The
ON search utility stopped working altogether - other than finding a string on
the actual page I was on. [Yes - I had set it to Search All Notebooks]. The
odd thing was that, when I did the Desktop search on the same string it found
all 6 occurrences of it throughout OneNote! So the problem clearly lay
within OneNote, although I did also rebuild my Windows index using the
Indexing options module in Control Panel, Advanced, Rebuild. Probably not
necessary but I did it anyway.
None of this worked, so I put the OneNote CD in and hit 'Repair'. That
didn't work either.
I then put all my Notebooks on a memory stick, deleted them from my hard
drive, completely uninstalled OneNote, removed three PowerToys, re-installed
OneNote, and put my Notebooks back on to the hard drive.
It worked!! I had been staring the spectre of a full System Restore in the
face so I was relieved. But the question remains - why did this happen? How
can the Search utility in OneNote suddenly decide not to work?
Could the PowerToys I had downloaded - Page Merge, Sort Pages and Favorites
- have caused the problem? I want to put two of those back but will wait for
feedback to this before I do!
It interests me that the search facility worked instantly after the
re-install. It didn't have any time to index anything - but it still worked.

Rainald Taesler

oistrakhan said:
I want to join this thread because I have just had this problem big
time! The ON search utility stopped working altogether - other than
finding a string on the actual page I was on.

It would be really nice, would you post your question again in a new
There ain't too much use in jumping on old threads with a "me-too".



I think you are being a bit unfair! What I said was a bit more than 'me
too'. I am finding that you can learn a lot from these discussions, simply
by finding out what has happened to other people and how they got out of
trouble. So, if you carefully read the full text of my reply you will see
that my problem was MORE extreme than anybody else's and could only be
resolved by a full re-installation of OneNote AND 'hiding' my ON folders -
before restoring each folder individually. Both those things are important,
by the way, one of them alone is not enough. I tried that and it didn't work.
So - I was trying to ADD to the discussion and I think I succeeded!

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