Search indexing in OneNote




last week I moved a PDF file into OneNote by drag&drop from the Explorer.
Yesterday I want to find the file again in my notebook. But when I searched
for text the pdf file contains, nothing got found by OneNote :(

Why?? I thought OneNote generates search indexes for everything in the page?!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

What version of OneNote are you running? If 2007 do you have Automatically
Recognize text turned on? (Tools | Options | Other)



I have never found that ON (either version) indexes files that are embedded
in a page. The only way I've seen ON index a "pdf" or any other non-audio
file is if it's printed to ON so that ON can then index the images.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Ah, I should have read his question more carefully - he said he dragged and
dropped the file into OneNote. No, those won't be indexed.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower


I use ON 2007. I have the german version and there are only a option
"Recognize Text in Images". This option was off and now I turned on. Solve
this the problem, or is MichaelHs way the only solution?

Rainald Taesler

Hoschi, Hallole
as you might have missed Ben's final reply:
I use ON 2007. I have the german version and there are only a option
"Recognize Text in Images". This option was off and now I turned
on. Solve this the problem, or is MichaelHs way the only solution?

1.) If this option is activated, all images are treated with OCR
(running in the background). And every text gained be this will
automatically be included in the index.
This a really important feature of ON.

2.) If PDFs are inserted as *images* (printed into ON) they are treated
with OCR and indexed.
If they are just inserted as *files* they are not being indexed.

3.) Therefore when inserting PDFs into ON with drag+drop, it depends
which option you select in the "Dateioptionen einfügen" dialog.
If choosing the upper two options ("Verknüpfung zur Originaldatei
einfügen" oder "Eine Kopie der Datei in die Seite einfügen") the content
will *not* be indexed.
If you chose the third Option ("Datei als Ausdruck einfügen, ..."),
however, the content will be treated with OCR and then indexed.

Gruss vom Neckarstrand

Rainald Taesler

Ben said:
Ah, I should have read his question more carefully - he said he
dragged and dropped the file into OneNote. No, those won't be

A bit too quick once more <gbg> :
"drag&drop" alone does not say what the OP did ;-)


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