Search/Lookup and Place



I have a worksheet with multiple tabs. One of which is a tab that contains
line items that track items purchased at auction. The last tab is used to
develop a mail merge document to issue reciepts at the end of the auction.
I would like to be able to search on the bidder number and place the items
that they purchased in separate cells so that they show on the reciept as
separate line items.
How would I search on the bidder number and get their items to populate in
separate cells without duplicates?
Example: Enter Bidder #; auto-populate items purchased
A B C...
1 Bidder # Item #1 Item#2....
2 355 chair books....

Thanks for your help.


Thanks TM for your response.
I have used the VLOOKUP function before, however, I am stumped as to how to
get the multiple items that bidder has purchased to get placed into separate
cells without duplications.
Lookup bidder#355 and list the first item purchased in cell B1; second item
purchased in B2, etc.
I know that this is probably as clear as mud...

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