Try the below...If you are looking for a whole cell match; then change LookAt
to xlWhole
Sub Macro()
Dim varFound As Variant, varSearch As Variant
varSearch = InputBox("Find string")
Set varFound = Cells.Find(varSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not varFound Is Nothing Then
End If
Try the below...If you are looking for a whole cell match; then change LookAt
to xlWhole
Sub Macro()
Dim varFound As Variant, varSearch As Variant
varSearch = InputBox("Find string")
Set varFound = Cells.Find(varSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not varFound Is Nothing Then
End If
--Set the Security level to low/medium in (Tools|Macro|Security).
--From workbook launch VBE using short-key Alt+F11.
--From menu 'Insert' a module and paste the below code.
--Get back to Workbook.
From menu View>Toolbars>Forms drag a button control to the worksheet. and
select the macro to be assigned....
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