Hi, I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I am
about to undertake a massive task involving searching over 2,000 word
files. I am looking for the letters H, M or L. They are all in capitals
and are also stand alone (so are not attached to other words, which
means I can cut out the capital H, M or L's at the beginning of
So basically my task is to somehow search thousands of word files
looking for capital H's, M's or L's that are not part of other words.
Is there any way of doing this, it could save me over a week of work! I
hope this has made sense! Thank you,
about to undertake a massive task involving searching over 2,000 word
files. I am looking for the letters H, M or L. They are all in capitals
and are also stand alone (so are not attached to other words, which
means I can cut out the capital H, M or L's at the beginning of
So basically my task is to somehow search thousands of word files
looking for capital H's, M's or L's that are not part of other words.
Is there any way of doing this, it could save me over a week of work! I
hope this has made sense! Thank you,