Search only locates page, not position



I've recently started using the onenote search function. I must say that it
is pretty darn helpful - it really cuts down on my homework time. One small
problem that I have noted is that when I search, onenote will move me to the
page where the word is located, and will even highlight the found text,
however, It wont scroll down to the position that the word is on the page.
This is sometimes a bit inconvenient when my each "page" is sometimes 10-20
It seems like this function should be built in, and maybe somehow I am
missing something.
Any suggestions?

Kathy Jacobs

When you have finished the search, click the "View List" link. That will
open the task pane with the search results. Scanning through the results
will show you the result you are looking for. Even better, that result will
be a link to the actual place on the page where the result is.

Does that help?

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Ms. Jacobs has exactly the right idea /comment. That's what I've been
doing for the past couple of years with my college classes.

Also, as with Google & other search engines, it helps sometimes to
input more than one word... A search thru my Art History notes on
Cubism gave back over 30 results. After adding Picasso & Braque, the
results were narrowed down to 10.


Thanks guys. As soon as I read your posts I figured out the problem. When I
am in inking mode, the page won't relocate to the highlighted text. When I am
in text mode, the page will relocate.
- Clark

Beto Valdés

I have a question, relative to the search function on OneNote 2007 vs 2003

The search function on ON2003 was better because it found the words in one
sentence instead of one whole page as ON2007 does. Is there any way to set
it the old way?

Beto Valdes

Beto Valdés

I'll try...

Let's take a text and a copuple of words to search.

Text within a note:
1st paragraph
... the history of technology is filled with failures.
2nd. paragraph
The history of the phonograph is illustrative...

Words to search:
history technology

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