Search or find contact by email address only - Entourage



I have several Groups set up in Entourage that are only email
addresses with no names or other identifying information. When I get a
new address to add to one of the groups I'd like a way to find out if
the address already exists in any of the groups. Advanced Find only
seems to work if the contact has a name entered as part of its record.
Is there any way to get Entourage to search just for the email address
(or part of it)?

Thanks in advance!


Entourage 2004 (11.4.0)

Ed Kimball

I have several Groups set up in Entourage that are only email
addresses with no names or other identifying information. When I get a
new address to add to one of the groups I'd like a way to find out if
the address already exists in any of the groups. Advanced Find only
seems to work if the contact has a name entered as part of its record.
Is there any way to get Entourage to search just for the email address
(or part of it)?

Thanks in advance!


Entourage 2004 (11.4.0)

You could use the Sort List button on each group to sort the list in
alphabetical order by email address. I know that's not what you were looking
for, but it would cut down your search time.

I can't find a way to do exactly what you've asked for, even though it seems
like a reasonable request.

Diane Ross

I have several Groups set up in Entourage that are only email
addresses with no names or other identifying information. When I get a
new address to add to one of the groups I'd like a way to find out if
the address already exists in any of the groups. Advanced Find only
seems to work if the contact has a name entered as part of its record.
Is there any way to get Entourage to search just for the email address
(or part of it)?

Have you ever noticed when you exported your contacts that Entourage
mentioned, it didn't export groups? If you don't enter the contacts in the
Address Book as well as in the group, you could loose all that data if there
were problems.

I suggest you add (drag the address) each to the Address Book and assign a
category like this:

Group: Christmas Cards
Group: Soccer team
Group: Party

Once you add all the contacts to the Address Book, you can sort by category
to show just that group, then click on the column to sort by email address.
This will show you duplicates visually.

How to export a group as a tab delimited file:

You can export as Entourage archive (.rge) file. This option lets you select
specific categories to export. If your group does not have a category you
might assign one i.e. Christmas Card list.

Additionally, if you want to use a tab delimited file, you can then import
this Entourage archive (.rge) into a new blank Identity where you can export
as a tab delimited file for just that group. Round about way of getting

Hope this helps!

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