search owith form



Hi - I have a query that reads as follows:

SELECT tblObjectNames.ObjectName, tblSubcategories.SubcategoryName,
FROM (tblCategories INNER JOIN tblSubcategories ON tblCategories.CategoryID
= tblSubcategories.CategoryID) INNER JOIN tblObjectNames ON
tblSubcategories.SubcategoryID = tblObjectNames.SubcategoryID
ORDER BY tblObjectNames.ObjectName;

I have 1 form that lists Categories (11 of them) and shows the corresponding
subcategories (35 thus far) & object names (234 names) as you select each
item. What I'd like to do is to be able to browse the object names and show
the appropriate subcategories & categories. A combo box is rather cumbersome
for this, but so is a continuous form.

Is there any way I can create a search box on my form that would query
tblObjectNames, something like a "boo*" filter producing results of book,
boot and boom? I've seen this done on a web page of sample screen shots, but
with no clues or instructions whatsoever. I've looked into DLookup but don't
need it because the information is already gathered together with the query,
and because it looks like one of those undesirable things to make a habit of.

Thanks in advance. - Lisa


More on this -

I have tried using Allen Browne's "Tips for Serious users - Combos with 10s
of 1000s of records" and while this looks like exactly what I'm after, it's
just a bit over my head. OK, a lot. This is such a useful tool - can anybody

Thanks again

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