Search query


Richard M

I am looking for help in setting up a search query. I
have 12 tables in my database that I have 21-25 fields
all the tables have 18 fields that are the same in each
table. I have 9 fields that I want to display from a
search but use 3 fields as my search criteria [Equip_ID],
[Merchandise_ID],[Account_No]. What is the best way to
set up my query to do this task?
Thank you for the help

[MVP] S. Clark

Why do all 12 tables have the same 18 fields? Can you combine the info into
one for Reporting purposes? If not, then you can use a UNION to work around

The best way to set up the query process is to create a form that accepts
the user input. From there, create a SQL string in code that returns the
desired results. Depending on whether you use a subform, another main form,
or a report, will dictate what other steps will be needed to trigger the
population.(i.e. recordsource, filter, or where parameter.)


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
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