Search & Replace


Johann Swart

In Search & Replace (Find & Replace) where paragraph signs are involved, one
would use ^p in normal text or ^13 when using wild cards.
What are the equivalent codes when using Search & Replace in tables?

Graham Mayor

Paragraph breaks are paragraph breaks wherever they are in the document.
What *exactly* are you trying to do?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Hi Johann,

You can also use ^10 with wildcards, and this works with the table cell markers as well.


Hello Macropod (Happy New Year)
This ^10 does not work in the Find/Replace with wildcards checked.
I have 2003 on XP, should this work?
I have for many years wanted to find the code for the cell markers with no
joy, so any calification would be much appreciated.
Many thanks

macropod said:
Hi Johann,

You can also use ^10 with wildcards, and this works with the table cell markers as well.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Johann Swart said:
In Search & Replace (Find & Replace) where paragraph signs are involved, one
would use ^p in normal text or ^13 when using wild cards.
What are the equivalent codes when using Search & Replace in tables?


Sorry, to clarify.
^10 does work but not on its own or with a space before.
As previously described in a previous posting, if you search for Wa^10 -
this will be found, But [space]^10 will not be found, any space will be found.
I have noticed Doug's macro and may have a play with that, any other ideas?

DeanH said:
Hello Macropod (Happy New Year)
This ^10 does not work in the Find/Replace with wildcards checked.
I have 2003 on XP, should this work?
I have for many years wanted to find the code for the cell markers with no
joy, so any calification would be much appreciated.
Many thanks

macropod said:
Hi Johann,

You can also use ^10 with wildcards, and this works with the table cell markers as well.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Johann Swart said:
In Search & Replace (Find & Replace) where paragraph signs are involved, one
would use ^p in normal text or ^13 when using wild cards.
What are the equivalent codes when using Search & Replace in tables?


Hi Dean,

Works fine in Word 2000. It seems to be just another thing that took a backward step with later versions ...

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

DeanH said:
Sorry, to clarify.
^10 does work but not on its own or with a space before.
As previously described in a previous posting, if you search for Wa^10 -
this will be found, But [space]^10 will not be found, any space will be found.
I have noticed Doug's macro and may have a play with that, any other ideas?

DeanH said:
Hello Macropod (Happy New Year)
This ^10 does not work in the Find/Replace with wildcards checked.
I have 2003 on XP, should this work?
I have for many years wanted to find the code for the cell markers with no
joy, so any calification would be much appreciated.
Many thanks

macropod said:
Hi Johann,

You can also use ^10 with wildcards, and this works with the table cell markers as well.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

In Search & Replace (Find & Replace) where paragraph signs are involved, one
would use ^p in normal text or ^13 when using wild cards.
What are the equivalent codes when using Search & Replace in tables?

Johann Swart

Hi Graham,
Apologies; I expressed myself incorrectly. I am not referring to paragraph
breaks (¶) in table cell, but to the actual cell marker (¤).
I have several documents that contain tables with a space or spaces between
the last character and the cell marker that I need to remove (quite laborious
in a 100-page document riddled with tables).
The ^10 suggested by DeanH does not do it either. I have tried a number of
permutations, and frankly, some weird things happen.


It was Macropod that suggested the ^10, and as you say this does not work
this [space]^10. I am still hoping for a solution.
What can work though if you are purely wanting to get rid of the superfluous
space before the cell end marker is to use the "old" trick of selecting the
text, align centre then align left (or left then centre). This will remove
all superfluous spaces, tabs, etc. at the end of paragraphs selected.
This works well, but obviously enusre that you select the text only not the
whole table, else the table itself will be aligned. I tend to select by
column, say columns 1 and 2 out of a 3-column table, do the trick, the n
select column 3 on its own, do the trick.
Not the best but does work well.
Lets see if anyone else can help with the Replace on [space] Cell End Marker.
Hope this helps

Graham Mayor

The following macro will clear trailing spaces from all the cells in the
table containing the cursor

Dim oRng As Range
With Selection.Tables(1)
For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
For j = 1 To .Columns.Count
Set oRng = .Cell(i, j).Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
oRng.Text = RTrim(oRng.Text)
Next j
Next i
End With

If you want to clear leading and trailing spaces change RTrim for Trim

Note that if you select the table and Click CTRL+E then CTRL+L all leading
and trailing white space will be cleared from the table.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Graham Mayor

To process all the tables change that to

Dim oRng As Range
Dim oTable As Table
For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
With oTable
For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
For j = 1 To .Columns.Count
Set oRng = .Cell(i, j).Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
oRng.Text = RTrim(oRng.Text)
Next j
Next i
End With
Next oTable

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Pamelia Caswell via

I just tried searching for " face^10", "face ^10", and " ^10" in W2009. All
work with wild cards enabled. It selects only up to the end of cell
marker—probably because the marker cannot be manipulated. It also replaces
only up to the end of cell marker.

Thanks, Paul.

Hi Dean,

Works fine in Word 2000. It seems to be just another thing that took a backward step with later versions ...
Sorry, to clarify.
^10 does work but not on its own or with a space before.
[quoted text clipped - 20 lines]

Pamelia Caswell via

It also works with " {1,}^10. I too have had to delete trailing spaces from
dozens of tables and hundreds of cells—by hand. So this could be a big help.


Pamelia said:
I just tried searching for " face^10", "face ^10", and " ^10" in W2009. All
work with wild cards enabled. It selects only up to the end of cell
marker—probably because the marker cannot be manipulated. It also replaces
only up to the end of cell marker.

Thanks, Paul.

[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]


Hi Pamela.
Unfortuantely, this still does not work, it finds any space in the table,
not just a space next to the Cell End Marker, which is what is required. Oh
well never mind.
Thanks anyway.


Pamelia Caswell via said:
It also works with " {1,}^10. I too have had to delete trailing spaces from
dozens of tables and hundreds of cells—by hand. So this could be a big help.


Pamelia said:
I just tried searching for " face^10", "face ^10", and " ^10" in W2009. All
work with wild cards enabled. It selects only up to the end of cell
marker—probably because the marker cannot be manipulated. It also replaces
only up to the end of cell marker.

Thanks, Paul.

[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
What are the equivalent codes when using Search & Replace in tables?

Message posted via



Hello Graham.
Many thanks for these two macros.
Unfortunately both fail at:
Set oRng = .Cell(I, j).Range

Any ideas?

Graham Mayor

The thing that occurs is that you may have merged cells in your table. The
macros will not work with merged or split cells.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Graham, yep that was it, two cells in the header row were merged in the test
Many thanks

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Note that you can step through all of the cells of a table that contains
merged cells by using

Dim acell As Cell
For Each acell In ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Range.Cells
'Do something with each cell
Next acell

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Graham Mayor

Good thinking - that would equate to

Dim oRng As Range
Dim oTable As Table
Dim acell As Cell
For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
With oTable
For Each acell In oTable.Range.Cells
Set oRng = acell.Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
oRng.Text = RTrim(oRng.Text)
Next acell
End With
Next oTable

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Johann Swart

So then, it would appear as though there is no "one size fits all" solution.
Many thanks to all contributors!

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I believe that the code posted by Graham will work for all of the "sizes"
mentioned. What other "sizes" were you thinking about.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

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