Search SharePoint for Workbook



Is there a way to search a SharePoint site to see if a Workbook exists? I
have CanCheckOut working, but the problem is that if the workbook is already
checked-out or if it doesn't exist I think I get the same response(can't
checked-out). If the Workbook is already checked-out then I will display a
message "The file is already checked out. Try again later". However, if the
file does not exits then I want to search for an earlier file.
Thanks for your time and expertice in advance

Gary Brown

Here's a User-Defined-Function that might help...

' Function Purpose:
' Return TRUE or FALSE
' strFileName should be full path
' and filename
' i.e. "C:\Temp\MyFile.xls"
Public Function FileExists(strFileName As String) _
As Boolean
On Error GoTo err_Function

FileExists = False
If Dir(strFileName) <> "" Then
FileExists = True
End If

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Number & " - (" & _
Err.Description & _
") - Function: FileExists - Module: " & _
"Mod_Functions_FileExists - " & Now()
GoTo exit_Function

End Function


Thanks Gary. I've tried something similar but just can't get "Dir" to work
within SharePoint(even with your code). My path and filename are correct and
work fine with Open(read-only), CanCheckOut and CanCheckIn. Used a work
around to first try to Open the workbook which generates no error if it
exists - seems to work but sloppy
Appreciate your help

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