Search string with multiple criteria



I'm trying to write a formula that does the following. If the text string in
column Q contains any of the following text strings "HELIE","PUSWJ" or
"Jersey" then return a text string of "jersey" in coumn AH.

When i try

=IF(OR(SEARCH("*jersey*",Q:Q), SEARCH("*puswj*",Q:Q),SEARCH("*helie*",Q:Q)),
"Jersey", "Not Jersey")

I get an error #value
However when i tried this,

RCH("*PUSWJ*",Q:Q),"Jersey","Not Jersey")))

I only get a result if jersey is in the string. The other are not picked up
by the above formula.

Thank you all very much in advance.

......Coming from Where I'm From.

Peo Sjoblom

here are 2 ways

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"jersey","puswj"},Q1:Q100))))>0,"Jersey","Not jersey")

entered normally

=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"jersey","puswj"},Q1:Q100))),"Jersey","Not jersey")

entered with ctrl + shift & enter


Peo Sjoblom

Harlan Grove

fLiPMoD£ wrote...
I'm trying to write a formula that does the following. If the text string in
column Q contains any of the following text strings "HELIE","PUSWJ" or
"Jersey" then return a text string of "jersey" in coumn AH.

When i try

=IF(OR(SEARCH("*jersey*",Q:Q), SEARCH("*puswj*",Q:Q),SEARCH("*helie*",Q:Q)),
"Jersey", "Not Jersey")

I get an error #value

First, *BAD* idea to use entire column references.

Second, no need to include the '*' wildcards.

Unless the cell in question contains *ALL* of these substrings, one of
the SEARCH calls will return #VALUE!, in which case OR will return
#VALUE!, and so will IF.
However when i tried this,

IF(SEARCH("*PUSWJ*",Q:Q),"Jersey","Not Jersey")))

I only get a result if jersey is in the string. The other are not picked up
by the above formula.

Others not picked up means this formula would also return #VALUE!?



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