Search through encrypted emails in outlook, as google desktop allo



Subject says it all. I was vey much hoping for this functionality in Outlook
2007. I don't want to install Google Desktop for fear of privacy but i guess
i will have no choice. Unless it is a hidden option somewhere...

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Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The subject doesn't say much of anything. If you have a suggestion, present it in detail in the body of your post.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


When I perform a search in Outlook I would like it search the contents of
encrypted emails.

Currently Outlook only searches the subject line of an encrypted email. The
emails are encrypted with my digital signature.

It is certainly possible, for one Google Desktop search does it and the new
Windows Desktop Search beta has the ability to search encrypted files which I
guess are encrypted through EPS(?).

Can I be any more verbose (?)

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook 2007 Beta 2 uses Windows Desktop Search v 3. You might want to give it a while to index, then see how it works.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


I already have I let the index run until the advanced options reported that
the index is up to date.

There is nothing to suggest that emails or even encrypted emails are
treated separately unlike encrypted files.

Are you suggesting that you have successfully managed to search the contents
of encrypted emails from Outlook or any or search utility other than Google's

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

No, I'm just responded to your observation that the latest version of Windows Desktop Search can search through encrypted files to speculate on what that might mean for Outlook. Beta 2 is very new, as you know, and its capabilities are not completely known yet.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


I am using the Desktop Search 3 with outlook 2007 but it has indexed
exactly 0 file after 4 hours, I dosen't seem to be running, in the
TaskManager I see the process with memory allocated but it uses exactly
0 % of CPU, what can I do (I reinstalled the desktop search many

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

We know that sometimes search doesn't work but we don't know why or how to fix it yet. Stay tuned. And remember, it's beta software. Problems are to be expected.

Try leaving the machine idle overnight to see if it indexes during that time. If not, you can try removing and reinstalling the software.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


My understanding from conversations that I have had with the Windows
Desktop Search folk over as MSDN is that Desktop Search can not index
the body of emails with S/MIME certs attached... it will only index the
metadata (from, to, subject, etc). I requested this feature as well,
as over 30% of my emails are already arriving digitally signed.

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