Need help in writing a macro that gives me a count of occurances of
one string based on the occurance of another string.
Here is what I want.
I have Employees in column A and their vacation dates in B . I need to
write a macro which reports out the count of employees who have
applied for vacation in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
XYZ 12/1/2005
abc 3/1/2006
def 2/1/2007
My excel contains almost 500 rows and I need to write a macro to get
the count based on the year.
Need help in writing a macro that gives me a count of occurances of
one string based on the occurance of another string.
Here is what I want.
I have Employees in column A and their vacation dates in B . I need to
write a macro which reports out the count of employees who have
applied for vacation in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
XYZ 12/1/2005
abc 3/1/2006
def 2/1/2007
My excel contains almost 500 rows and I need to write a macro to get
the count based on the year.