search vs find vs countif



I am trying to find a text string within a text field column in a large

I've discovered that =COUNTIF(A1,"*abc*") does not work if the starting
position of the text is >300

=SEARCH("abc",A1) and =FIND("abc",A1) both seem to work fine.

The spreadsheet is big and slow so I'd like to pick the most efficient
choice, but am also wondering what the difference between the 2 options are.


Tom [Pepper] Willett

This is a question for an Excel newsgroup, not FrontPage.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
:I am trying to find a text string within a text field column in a large
: spreadsheet.
: I've discovered that =COUNTIF(A1,"*abc*") does not work if the starting
: position of the text is >300
: =SEARCH("abc",A1) and =FIND("abc",A1) both seem to work fine.
: The spreadsheet is big and slow so I'd like to pick the most efficient
: choice, but am also wondering what the difference between the 2 options
: Thanks

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