Search Webbot


Gilles Plante

Hi all,

I just implemented on my web site, FP extensions
installed, a form to search on the site using the webbot
provided. Nothing can be easier. The problem I am facing
is that I would like some pages not to appear in the
results. These pages are included in some other pages, and
the results list the 'assembled' pages as well as 'partial
pages'. How can I have the search engine forget about some
directories ? Renaming the directories so that they start
with _ is not an options, since then the 'included' pages
would not work.



Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FP]

Renaming the folders containing the included pages with an _ would hide the
contents from the Search and the Table of Contents webbot, and your includes
would still work. You can include pages from hidden folders into other

Gilles Plante


indeed it works ! I then tried to go a little further. I
discovered, contratry to what help says, that if you type
more than a word, the webbot will search for any word. No
way to have ist search for a phrase, what ever I tried: ",
+, or even AND. What else may I try: we don't have access
to ASP, and it looks like CGI scripts do not work when
extensions are enabled.



Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

I believe the FrontPage Search Component comes with instructions you can
leave on the page for your users;

"WebBot Search ComponentUse the WebBot Search component to create a search
form. The FrontPage Server Extensions maintain a list of words found in each
page in a Web. If the Web includes a discussion group, FrontPage also
maintains a dynamic list of words found in each entry of the discussion
group. At run-time, the form created by the WebBot Search component returns
a list of pages containing the words the user entered in the form. The words
can include Boolean constructs, such as and, not, or, and parentheses."

You might try the parentheses and see if that works.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Spider Web Woman Designs

Gilles Plante


I don't know what to say. When I tried yesterday or this
morning the AND bolean, it did not work. Now it does !!! I
just can't figure what is the usage of parentheses.



Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FP]

I *think* if you were to enclose the search phrase in parentheses, it would
use the entire phrase for the search.

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