Search worksheets within a database...How?



Hello and Good day,

Simple there a way to search all the cells inside every
worksheet of an Excel File?

For instance:

I have an excel file that contains phone numbers and there are SEPERATE
worksheets that contain all the numbers of a particular category such
as Family, Friends etc..

How can I, from any of the worksheets within the Excel File, search for
a specific name?

I know how to do a search on a worksheet when it is the one open and
displayed (Macintosh: Command (Open Apple) F) but want to search ENTIRE
FILE from one page.

Please help


Quandan - Marcel Kreijne


This is quite easy once you know it:

Just select the first sheet in the workbook, then hold the [Shift] button
and select the last sheet
in the workbook. Now you search on all selected worksheets, which is all
worksheets in this case.
Be careful though, because if you have got all sheets selected and you want
to edit a cell... you will
edit the same cell for EVERY worksheet.... so make sure you select one
worksheet again before

Kind regards,

Marcel Kreijne
Quandan - Steunpunt voor spreadsheetgebruikers
(Quandan - dutch supportsite for spreadsheetusers)

Gord Dibben


In XL97 the Find across grouped worksheets does not work well, if at all,
although Replace across worksheets functions OK.

Download Jan Karel Pieterse's FLEXFIND.XLA from Stephen Bullen's website to
get full functionality on all versions.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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