Searching a datasheet subform based on multiple criteria specified incombo boxes


R Tanner


I have a form with a subform. I have a combo box on my form that
searches my subform and filters out the data based on whatever I
select in the combo box. My subform is pulling data from a child
table which has 7 foreign keys to parent tables. I would like to add
some of these other parent table values as combo boxes to my form to
narrow down the search, but every time I do, it doesn't work. Is
there any specific way I should do this? In my link master fields
field I have the ID (Primary Key) form my child table and in the link
child fields, I have the ID (foreign key) for my value in the combo
box. I have an AfterUpdate macro that says the following:

"=[ID]= "& Str(Nz(Screen.ActiveControl,0))

I tried to just add an additional field to the Link Child Fields field
that would be the foreign key for my second combo box.

By the way, my combo boxes are looking up the values from my parent
tables (they look up both the ID and the value and only display the

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