Searching audito/video for do I know when indexing is d



I have selected the "Enable searching audio and video recordings for words"
under TOOLS-OPTIONS, and have waited several hours to see if I can find the
words with the Find luck. So two questions:
1. How do I know when indexing is taking place? While I've left the PC
"idle", I have no insight into whether anything is happening or not.
2. How do I know when a given recording is through indexing?
WIthout knowing this information, I'm sort of left in the situation of
trusting that something is happening and that it either has not worked or has
worked but I will never be able to find the words I am looking for. Help!


I think it indexes when your systems is idle. Go t
Tools>Options>Other>Battery Options and set to max

Personally I have never had too much luck with that option.
I have tried numerous times but searching has never foun
any words from the audio I imported. I don't really think
OneNote has the capabilities it claims. If you think about,
very few programs are able to convert audio to text
accurately. Even the ones that can do it, require a significant
amount of training before they are at all accurate.

Dragon software has the ability to extract text from
audio. I think you have to go for the professional version
to get that feature however.

It won't be too long until this will be a reality though. I've read
that Google has software that can do it. They want to be able t
index audio and video to better serve ads on sites like Youtube

John Guin [msft]

The quality of the audi needs to be pretty high for this to work well, but
here's a tip.

Conduct the search as you want. When it's done, near the bottom (if no
audio notes were found) will be a label "No high confidence audio matches
found." To the right of that is "View More"

Click "View More"

At the bottom of this pane is the audio threshold. It should default to .5
- try lowering it and searching again. This might help.


Hi some folks would say "You da' man!"

Although I was looking for an indicator of indexed/not indexed, I was
unaware of the audio quality feature you mentioned. I went hunting for it
and while I was unsuccessful at .2 and up, once I lowered it to the bottom of

For audio recorded via my headset microphone, I received 100% hits on all 4
terms AND each use of the term received its own time index that when you
clicked on it, went directly to the point in the audio where the word was

For audio recorded via my laptop's builtin microphone, while I received hits
on all 4 words, it was not able to identify unique instances of each word
being used or take me to the exact spot in the audio where OneNote thought
the term was used. But, heck this in itself was terrific and the headset
accuracy blew me away.

Thanks for guidance.

If you work at MS, two recommendations:
1. Add your insight about the audio quality settings to the OneNote
Product Guide.....I read all 34 pages and there is no mention of this.

2. Add an indicator to each audio/video file to alert the user whether
the file has been indexed or not.

Meanwhile....another great reason to love OneNote.



John....that is great idea might be to include this info in the
OneNote User Guide that is deployed with the would answers
some of the questions folks like me have.

Once again, thank you

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