Searching / Auto Completion in combo box


Glenn Glazer

Here's what I have at the moment. I have two relevant tables, People and Memberships. People is essentially a fancy phonebook. A person is allowed to have multiple memberships, so People.ID is a foreign key into Memberships.

Now, I have in my Memberships form, a three-column combo box, with the row source property as:

SELECT People.ID, People.[Last Name], People.[First Name] FROM People;

and After Update Event as:

[Person ID].Value=[Person ID].Column(1)

In the Memberships table, Memberships.Person ID is a lookup to People.ID.

So that I don't have to remember each person's ID. OTOH, there are almost a thousand people in People and I really don't want to scroll down the combo list for each one. Is there some way I could start typing the last name and it would do the completion for me? Note that last name is not unique, but Last Name + First Name is (as it happens).

I've set the Auto Expand property of the combo box to Yes, but this doesn't seem to do anything.

Thanks muchly in advance!


Albert D. Kallal

Try settting the sort order of the combo..then the auto completion should
SELECT People.ID, People.[Last Name], People.[First Name] FROM People order by [Last Name];

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