Searching by highlighted colors



As I read captured clippings, I leverage highlighting by colors:
Red = Insghtful or thought provoking observations
Blue = Useful Quotes and other information worthy of referencing
Yellow = Key points, summary info, etc

I then do a weekly reivew to either create new topics of interest,
organize, sort and/or expand on the highlighted entries. Is there a way
to search OneNote by highlighted colors, either via the search engine
or programatically? Thx. in advance.

Kathy Jacobs

Not in the current version. However, I do the same thing via noteflags - and
those you can search for. Set up noteflags that highlight the text in the
colors you are already using, name the flags with the color name, and then
find each category by searching the noteflags.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-author of Unleash the Power of OneNote- Available now from Holy Macro!
Get OneNote answers at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Thanks Kathy, I'll change my "paper-based" method to now utilize
noteflags with OneNote!! Of course, I'm not looking forward to the
"retrofit" effort required, but that's my fault.


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