Searching documents placed inside a .one file



I just did a search through documents that I've placed in a .one file, and
it appears that the only thing that can be searched is the name of teh file,
but not the contents. When I say that I searched OneNote, what I mean is
that I opened up a .one file and then in the upper right corner (just in
front of teh magnifying glass) in that .one file, I entered a search term.
Will this search be able to search within files I've placed inside a .one
file? Do I need to enable something in order to get this functionality? I
just switched my default search engine to Windows Desktop Search (not sure
if this would make a difference or not).

Rainald Taesler

Paul said:
I just did a search through documents that I've placed in a .one
file, and it appears that the only thing that can be searched is the
name of teh file, but not the contents. When I say that I searched
OneNote, what I mean is that I opened up a .one file and then in the
upper right corner (just in front of teh magnifying glass) in that
.one file, I entered a search term. Will this search be able to
search within files I've placed inside a .one file?

No. OneNote will only search in its own content but not in files which
have been imported (embedded).
However, as it's OneNote content *images* will be searched too (as
OneNote runs an automatic OCR in the background.
Do I need to enable something in order to get this functionality?

No, there is nothing that could be enabled in so far.
I just switched
my default search engine to Windows Desktop Search (not sure if this
would make a difference or not).

WDS is an essential for searching in OneNote.
And you may find the files you are after by just using the WDS search.



Alright things aren't working out with OneNote. I can't seem to search
content very well.

For content that I have copied/pasted into OneNote, I can search within
onenote itself and find search terms. But using WDS, I can't even find
those search terms. WDS only seems to be able to search the titles, and not
content, of these .one files--and when I say "content," I mean not only
files I have inserted into ON, but also stuff I've copied/pasted.

For example, I have on my desktop. I can find all
references to "Jefferson" in my .one file by searching within ON itself
(there are quite a few), but using WDS, and searching for "Jefferson," I
don't see it in the results.

Is there something I'm not doing right here? I do have my desktop set to be
indexed by Windows, and I even moved htat particular .one file into the
Documents folder and the same thing happened--title was indexed but not any

Rainald Taesler

Paul said:
Alright things aren't working out with OneNote. I can't seem to search
content very well.

You'll get there ;-) ;-)
For content that I have copied/pasted into OneNote, I can search
within onenote itself and find search terms. But using WDS, I can't
even find those search terms. WDS only seems to be able to search the
titles, and not content, of these .one files--and when I say
"content," I mean not only files I have inserted into ON, but also
stuff I've copied/pasted.

Searching content of OneNote through WDS works pretty well for me.
Could it be that you did not configure WDS to include OneNote in the
lost of the indexed area?
Just open the "indexing options" applet in the control panel and check
things there.
For example, I have on my desktop. I can find all
references to "Jefferson" in my .one file by searching within ON
itself (there are quite a few), but using WDS, and searching for
"Jefferson," I don't see it in the results.

Something like this definitely works. The whole content is searched if
OneNote is included in the index.
The matches are shown in the search results lists and a double click
opens OneNote with the proper page.
Is there something I'm not doing right here? I do have my desktop set
to be indexed by Windows, and I even moved htat particular .one file
into the Documents folder and the same thing happened--title was
indexed but not any content.

The latter is not enough. You have to explicitly select OneNote as an
application in the list of items to be indexed.
Then let the system run the indexing. This may take some time. Just let
the computer turned OneNote over night to have the job done.



OK. I just searched again and found that it would in fact find content
inside ON--evidently when I was searching before, it had indexed the titles
of the .one files, but not the contents yet. OK at least that's one more
thing that isn't broken here... Thanks.

Rainald Taesler

Paul said:
Hmmm well it appears that ON is set to be indexed by WDS. You can see
what I already had in the screenshot:

I suppose that this is what you were talking about... or wasn't it?

Yes, that's what I had been talking about.

If OneNote is already checked for Indexing, just give it time.

Be assured that WDS and OneNote together work really fine. I would
hardly know how to work without that!



Rainald Taesler

Thanks for your report on your intermediary success.
Just give the system enough time to index everything set in the list.
That's really hard work. And it's time-taking therefore.

Check the state of the indexing progress from time to time.
As said: it's hard work ;-)


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