Idaho Word Man
I have a very large document (currently 644 pages) that was written by a
flatulent weasel who thinks punctuation is only for liberal arts majors and
other wimps. One of his very common errors is to omit periods at the end of
Is there any way to search for "*^p" where * stands for any character BUT a
period? If I could systematically search for all paragraphs that end with
anything but a period I could make sure I don't miss any instances of this
error. (I've already deleted Space^p and Space-Space^p.)
I'm still using Word 2003 on XP Professional.
flatulent weasel who thinks punctuation is only for liberal arts majors and
other wimps. One of his very common errors is to omit periods at the end of
Is there any way to search for "*^p" where * stands for any character BUT a
period? If I could systematically search for all paragraphs that end with
anything but a period I could make sure I don't miss any instances of this
error. (I've already deleted Space^p and Space-Space^p.)
I'm still using Word 2003 on XP Professional.