I think I figured it out. I broke the search string into an array, then
looped through my recordset as an array counting the matches. I then sorted
on the match count, bring the greatest number to the top. I had to adapt
search logic to work with multi-dimensioned arrays. I used a quick sort so I
hope it will scale well. I found the search logic at:
The code is still a little rough as I haven't finished the rest of the
module and haven't begun to optimize, document or clean it up, but the logic
is working.
'From a click event***********
rst.Open strSQL, con1, 3
intTemp = rst.Fields.Count
intTemp2 = rst.RecordCount
'ReDim arrData(3, intTemp)
ReDim arrTemp(intTemp, intTemp2)
arrTemp = rst.GetRows()
Do While cmbName.ListCount > 0
cmbName.RemoveItem Index:=0
If Len(Nz(cmbName.Value)) > 0 Then
arrTemp = SearchMultiDmArray(arrTemp, cmbName.Value)
QuickSort arrTemp, 0
End If
For intTemp = (intTemp2 - 1) To 0 Step -1
If UBound(arrTemp, 1) = 2 Then
strTemp = arrTemp(0, intTemp) & ";" & arrTemp(1, intTemp) & ";" &
arrTemp(2, intTemp)
cmbName.AddItem strTemp, Index:=0
ElseIf arrTemp(3, intTemp) > 0 Then
strTemp = arrTemp(0, intTemp) & ";" & arrTemp(1, intTemp) & ";" &
arrTemp(2, intTemp)
cmbName.AddItem strTemp ', Index:=0
End If
Next intTemp
'End of relevant click event code*******
'Receives an array to be searched and the string value containing all the
search terms,
' returns an array sorted by the number of results and alphabetized
Public Function SearchMultiDmArray(ByRef arrTemp(), txtWords As String)
Dim arrWords() As String
Dim arrData() ' As String
Dim iA As Integer
Dim iB As Integer
Dim iC As Integer
Dim iD As Integer
Dim iE As Integer
Dim iG As Integer
Dim sA As String
Dim sB As String
Dim sC As String
Dim sD As String
arrWords() = Split(txtWords, " ")
iA = UBound(arrWords) 'Number of words in search
iB = UBound(arrTemp, 1) 'Number of columns from recordset
iC = UBound(arrTemp, 2) 'Number of rows/records from recordset
ReDim arrData(iB + 1, iC) 'Extend Temp array by one column to store
match rate
For iD = 0 To iC 'For each record in the data array
iE = 0
For iG = 0 To iA
If InStr(arrTemp(0, iD), arrWords(iG)) > 0 Then
iE = iE + 1 'Count number of word matches in eac9h row
End If
Next iG
For iG = 0 To iB 'For each column in data array, copy values to new
arrData(iG, iD) = arrTemp(iG, iD)
Next iG
arrData(iB + 1, iD) = iE 'Write number of matches to extended column
Next iD
QuickSort arrData, 0
QuickSort arrData, 3
SearchMultiDmArray = arrData
End Function
Public Sub QuickSort(ByRef arrTemp(), iColSort As Integer)
Dim iLBound, iUBound, iTemp, iOuter, iMax As Integer
Dim iA, iB, iC As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
iOuter = 0
iMax = 0
iLBound = LBound(arrTemp, 2)
iUBound = UBound(arrTemp, 2)
If (iUBound - iLBound) Then
For iOuter = iLBound To iUBound
If arrTemp(iColSort, iOuter) > arrTemp(iColSort, iMax) Then
iMax = iOuter
End If
Next iOuter
iC = UBound(arrTemp, 1)
For iA = 0 To iC 'Move the swap the greatest value to the last element
iB = arrTemp(iA, iMax) 'and all of its columns
arrTemp(iA, iMax) = arrTemp(iA, iUBound)
arrTemp(iA, iUBound) = iB
Next iA
InnerQuickSort arrTemp, iLBound, iUBound, iColSort
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InnerQuickSort(ByRef arrTemp(), ByVal iLeftEnd As Long, _
ByVal iRightEnd As Long, ByVal iColNum As Integer)
Dim iLeftcur, iRightCur, iPivot, iTemp As Long
Dim iA, iB, iC As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
If iLeftEnd >= iRightEnd Then Exit Sub
iLeftcur = iLeftEnd
iRightCur = iRightEnd + 1
iPivot = arrTemp(iColNum, iLeftEnd)
iC = UBound(arrTemp, 1) 'determine number of columns in array
ReDim arrHold(iC)
iLeftcur = iLeftcur + 1
Loop While arrTemp(iColNum, iLeftcur) < iPivot
iRightCur = iRightCur - 1
Loop While arrTemp(iColNum, iRightCur) > iPivot
If iLeftcur >= iRightCur Then Exit Do
For iA = 0 To iC 'Swap the values of all columns
iB = arrTemp(iA, iLeftcur)
arrTemp(iA, iLeftcur) = arrTemp(iA, iRightCur)
arrTemp(iA, iRightCur) = iB
Next iA
For iA = 0 To iC
arrHold(iA) = arrTemp(iA, iLeftEnd)
arrTemp(iA, iLeftEnd) = arrTemp(iA, iRightCur)
arrTemp(iA, iRightCur) = arrHold(iA)
'arrTemp(iColNum, iLeftEnd) = arrTemp(iColNum, iRightCur)
Next iA
InnerQuickSort arrTemp, iLeftEnd, iRightCur - 1, iColNum
InnerQuickSort arrTemp, iRightCur + 1, iRightEnd, iColNum
End Sub
raskew via AccessMonster.com said:
You might want to take a look at this article describing the use of multiple
parameters. I've used this and it works well if searching on a number field,
but am still struggling if dealing with a text field. Nonetheless, it's an
interesting concept.
John said:
One method would involve using a temp table that is populated with just
the words you are looking for. You would have to clear the records and
create new records each time you run the query.
TableFindWords with field TheWord
SELECT YourTable.Company, Count(YourTable.Company) as TimesFound
FROM YourTable INNER JOIN TableFindWords
ON YourTable.Company LIKE "*" & TableFindWords.TheWord & "*"
GROUP BY YourTable.Company
Order By Count(YourTable.Company), YourTable.Company
I'll have to ponder if there are other methods that you could use.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I need to return a list of best/ranked matches from a field in a table. For
example, if the user searches for "Bob Jones Roofing Company", I'd like it to
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]