Searching for '&' in Field


John Parkinson

I have a database that I need to clean up. One of the
fields called 'PARCEL' contains property lot numbers.
Several hundred of the records contain 'PARCEL' data that
carrys two lot number (89 & 90...or 210 & 211). How can I
set up a query that will 'search' these records? I know
that the 'search and replace' function can find these
records but I am unsure how to set this up in a query.

Thanks in advance.

John Parkinson

Wayne Morgan

Set up a calculated field in the query.

Expr1: InStr([Parcel], "&")

and set the criteria to

John Parkinson

Ahhhhh, I see. So the '>0' forces the InStr to search the
entire field instead of looking in one ceratin place in
the string.

Thank you very much Wayne!!

-----Original Message-----
Set up a calculated field in the query.

Expr1: InStr([Parcel], "&")

and set the criteria to

Wayne Morgan
Microsoft Access MVP

I have a database that I need to clean up. One of the
fields called 'PARCEL' contains property lot numbers.
Several hundred of the records contain 'PARCEL' data that
carrys two lot number (89 & 90...or 210 & 211). How can I
set up a query that will 'search' these records? I know
that the 'search and replace' function can find these
records but I am unsure how to set this up in a query.

Thanks in advance.

John Parkinson


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