Searching for keyword in sheet 1 and returning the whole row intosheet 2


Holly Carson

Is it possible to search for a keyword in column A in sheet 1 and
return the whole row containing that keyword into sheet 2?

Luke M

On sheet 2, formula inputted into column A

=INDEX('Sheet 1'!A:A,MATCH("Keyword",'Sheet 1'!$A$A,0))

Copy across as needed.

Holly Carson

Thanks. It keeps giving me an error and I can't figure out how to fix
it. I changed 'Sheet 1' and Keywords to reflect the right labels, but
I dont know what else to do.

Gord Dibben


Try this............=INDEX('Sheet 1'!A:A,MATCH("Keyword",'Sheet 1'!$A:$A,0))

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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