Searching for multiple conditions



Is there a place I can search previous discussions to see if this has
already been answered? Or can someone point me to the thread where
this was already answered?

I have a spreadsheet in the following format:

001 AAA 3.5
001 AAB 5.2
001 AAC 3.9
002 AAA 2.9
002 AAB 2.9
002 AAC 9.3
003 AAA 9.2
003 AAB 0.3
003 AAC 2.9

I want to sort it into something that looks like:

AAA 3.5
AAB 5.2
AAC 3.9

AAA 2.9


So I need something that will lookup 001, then look up AAA, and return
_that_ value. Is there anything that does that?

Alternatly, what I tried is to concatenate the first two columns, and
then lookup 001AAA. Unfortunatly, the vlookup function doesn't search
values, and I can't figure out how to get the text of that thing
without re-typing all of them. So is there a way to lookup the value
of a function, and return a value based on that?



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