Hi Ammo,
sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier. Had to demolish a bathroom today.
Anyhow, what is the name of the subform control? If you open your Main form
in design view, and right-click the subform control and select "Properties"
to bring up its property sheet, what is the Name of the control? I ask,
because the name of the subform control isn't necessarily the name of the
subform. Just want to make sure...
If it is in fact "frm_GrantApplicant subform" then you need to bracket the
entire reference due to the space between Applicant and subform. (not an
ideal naming convention. better to use something like sfrmGrantApplicant for
the name of the subform control. That way you don't have to worry about
Me![frm_GrantApplicant subform].Form![YourCombo].Requery
So I'd put the code in the On Current event of your Main form, and the
AfterUpdate event of GrantPotNumber (also in the main form).
You'll need to change [YourCombo] to the actual name of the combobox in your
One last thing: of course I'm assuming that you are using the vba editor,
and not typing this directly on the line next to On Current. Right? If not,
then click the On Current| click the down arrow| Select [Event Procedure]|
click the ellipes(...). This will open the vba Editor. Then just insert the
above between Private Sub Form_Current() and End Sub.
Post back if you need further assistance.
Ammo said:
Hi Brian,
Tried doing what you suggested, but get the following message after adding
the requery line and going back into Form View:
Microsoft Access can't find the macro 'Me!frm_GrantApplicant subform.'
The macro (or its macro group) doesn't exist, or the macro is new but hasn't
been saved. Note that when you enter the macrogroupname.macroname syntax in
an argument, you must specify the name the macro's macro group was last saved
Please note that the name of the subform is: frm_GrantApplicant subform and
the GrantPotID you are referring to is actually named: GrantPotNumber.
Kind Regards
Brian Bastl said:
ok, if I understand correctly, you need to add a Where clause referencing
frmGrantPot in your combo's rowsource.
Supposing that your form/subform link is GrantPotID:
1. open subform in design mode
2. open the Properties sheet for your combo
3. click the (...) in the rowsource field to invoke the query builder
4. select and drag GrantPotID into a blank column (leave unchecked)
5. add Forms!frm_GrantPot!GrantPotID to the criteria line
6. close query builder and save changes
Then in the On Current event for your main form (frm_GrantPot), requery the
combo in the subform
I have created a form called frm_GrantPot which consists of a subform
frm_GrantApplicant subform. For each record displayed in frm_GrantPot,
are many related records displayed in frm_GrantApplicant subform (one-many
I have created a combo box in frm_GrantApplicant subform that allows the
user to search for all records in frm_GrantApplicant subform.
the combo box displays all records that have been entered in
frm_GrantApplicant subform rather than displaying only the records
to the current record is open in frm_GrantPot.
How do I set the combobox in the subform so that it only displays records
relating to the record currently open in the main form? Hope someone can
Kind Regards