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I will be honest, this is for a fanatsy league so bear with me please. There
are hundreds of player names that I show on one tab. On a second tab I show
who has picked which players. I have been manually going through the list of
players and coloring the box red when that player is chosen. Is there a
formula using 'Match' or something else that will automatically color the box
red when that players name is duplicated on another tab? Ex.

Tab 1 Tab 2
Players Roster
Joe John
Adam Hector
Bill Joe

I needs a formula that will turn the cell for joe in Tab 1 Red when
some one chooses Joe in Tab 2. Thanks for any help.


Hi There,

Please try:

Go to Format
Choose conditional format

Condition 1: Formula is

$B$3= referring to your TAB1 Cell
$C:$C= reffering to your TAB2 Cell

Then Click format
Click Patterns, and change the color you want.


Forgot to say to do this in your TAB1 Cell

Danny said:
Hi There,

Please try:

Go to Format
Choose conditional format

Condition 1: Formula is

$B$3= referring to your TAB1 Cell
$C:$C= reffering to your TAB2 Cell

Then Click format
Click Patterns, and change the color you want.


I tried what you had suggested and an error message came up saying "You may
not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for conditional
formatting criteria" The tabs I had mentioned are actually the tabs along
the bottom, thus separate worksheets. Is there a way where I can do this for
separate worksheets? Thanks for the help though.

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