I have a list of products with their sizes all in one cell (for exampl
"Marlboro 25s"), I would like to search that specific cell for a piec
of text relating to the size (for example "25s") and return just that i
a separate cell.
That way I have a list of sizes next to the product description. Th
sizes do not need to be deleted from the product description area.
So A1 would contain "Marlboro 25s" and B1 would contain "25s). And so o
down the list of product descriptions.
Thanks for the help
I have a list of products with their sizes all in one cell (for exampl
"Marlboro 25s"), I would like to search that specific cell for a piec
of text relating to the size (for example "25s") and return just that i
a separate cell.
That way I have a list of sizes next to the product description. Th
sizes do not need to be deleted from the product description area.
So A1 would contain "Marlboro 25s" and B1 would contain "25s). And so o
down the list of product descriptions.
Thanks for the help