Searching for words in OneNote



Is it possible to search for words within OneNote from a Desktop
Search Engine... i.e. WIndows VIsta Start Search or Google Desktop
search or windows desktop search etc. I know one can search easily
WITIN OneNote but is it possible from an external program?

Thank You

Rainald Taesler

seaboyd shared these words of wisdom:
Is it possible to search for words within OneNote from a Desktop
Search Engine... i.e. WIndows VIsta Start Search
search or windows desktop search etc.

For sure!
ON 2007 was built upon WDS (WDS 3.x for XP and the built-in Windows
Search of Vista).
or Google Desktop

I do not think so and I would not know how this might be possible.
With WDS 3.x "Google Desktop" is just obsolete.
Should you have it installed, un-install it ASAP.
I know one can search easily
WITIN OneNote but is it possible from an external program?

(with the correction that WDS 3.x and Vista Widows Search are no
"external" programs).

OneNote's *internal* Search is based on WDS 3.x (Vista's "Windows
Search") and the whole of ON items is *automatically* included in the
WDS indexed locations (even the text parts of images embedded); it's
simply fantastic.

Therefore *everything* contained in ON-notebooks (even text deriving
from images <!>) automatically is included in the index WDS (Vista
Windows Search) works with.


Ben M. Schorr, MVP

Yes, Vista Search (which is really just Windows Desktop Search) should work
just fine.

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