When wanting to search help in outloook i click help and select Microsoft
Office Outlook Help. The Outlook help pane appears at the right with a box
headed up 'search for:' However whenever I try and type anything in that box
I am not able to do so. Clicking in the box results in the curser blinking
once and then disappearing - and a mail message in my inbox (or other folder
that is open at the time) being highlighted. Why? And how do I deal with it?
Office Outlook Help. The Outlook help pane appears at the right with a box
headed up 'search for:' However whenever I try and type anything in that box
I am not able to do so. Clicking in the box results in the curser blinking
once and then disappearing - and a mail message in my inbox (or other folder
that is open at the time) being highlighted. Why? And how do I deal with it?