That would be a bad idea as you'll create a lot of separate files which
will also reduce performance of your computer and remove the flexibility
Outlookoffers to organize your mail.
What is the issue with keeping them connected toOutlook? Apparently you
still want to use this data in an active way.Outlookhas no issues with
keeping multiple files open.
You can of course also create an additional mail profile forOutlookin
Control Panel-> Mail and don't configure an account for it. Connect all
your pst-file to it and leaveOutlookopen until the indexer has fully
indexed that profile. Then switch back to your original mail profile to
work with.
Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring MicrosoftOutlook2003
OutlookFAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
Real World Questions, Real World Answers
Thanks. Is there a better solution to keeping oldemail? I read
someone's site and they suggested just putting these into regular
folders but I have a lot of duplicate subject names and that seems like
it will be an issue.
Regards-Michael G.
in messageYou'll need to keep them connected. Disconnecting will remove the
contents from the index again.
Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring MicrosoftOutlook2003
OutlookFAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
Real World Questions, Real World Answers
Thanks. By connect, do I need to open them and keep them open in OL?
Or can I open them and then close the files?
Regards-Michael G.
"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net>
wrote in message
You'll need to connect them withinOutlookfor them to be indexed.
Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring MicrosoftOutlook2003
OutlookFAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
Real World Questions, Real World Answers
I'm having a problem searching pst files. I keep messages acrhived
in pst files on my system, but don't keep these files opened in
outlook. When I do a desktop search with Vista, it doesn't look in
these closed files. Is there a better solution to keeping oldemail
or how can I add these files to be searched? Thanks.
Regards-Michael G.- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -