searhes find htm and not html



I posted this question on the General forum and they said I should post it
I am using Yahoo web service and everything has to be html. When I publish
to the web I have to type HTML to make sure it is saved as HTML files instead
of the default HTM. When I do a search on yahoo for something specific on my
website the link comes up as HTM and the link won't work. There are no HTM
files uploaded to my website. Can someone tell me why the link comes up as
HTM and not HTML and what I have to do to fix it?
One possible problem I have found with Publisher is that when I go to the
Web Page Options the Publish To The Web File Name is defaulted to HTM
extension and I can't figure out how to change it. Otherwise all the files I
physically select and upload are HTML.


Hi Dan,

What is the URL of your website?

What did you search for when you did your search on Yahoo? Can you do the
search and give us the link to the results so we can see exactly what you
are talking about?

Did you perhaps initially publish your site with the .htm extensions instead
of .html?



The website is DDRTOYS.COM. Do a search on DDRTOYS 5088. That will only be
one hit. You willnotice that the link is .....htm. It isn't an htm when
it's uploaded. There are no htm files in my site manager on Yahoo.


Dan, it appears that you published on or before October 3rd using the .htm
file extension, and that is cached. I used Google and got the same thing:

This page is cached here:

Notice as you mouse over the navbar, all the links are to .htm files...not
..html files.


Which is cached here:

Both those pages were indexed October 3rd, and then apparently you took them
down, and perhaps renamed them with the .html extension. It will take Yahoo
and Google a while to reindex your pages with the current .html extension at . Apparently you did not have to use the .html
extension, as you originally had a .htm extension version posted.



Where do you find all this information? I probable uploaded it as htm files
but only for maybe an hour before I realized what I had done. Yahoo lets me
upload htm files but it doesn't let me use them. I've tried. How do I get
the page cached? It doesn't show up as cached on my searches.
I'm almost ready to just shut the site down.


I used Google for the search and it gives you the links to the cached pages: takes time for the search engines to index a site...or in
your case to reindex it. Do a google search for DDR Toys and you will find
your site:
And notice that the second hit for your site does reflect the .html file

I can't see why taking the site down will do any good...


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