Here is the macro. Email me if you want the .vsd file.
' Amphitheatre.vsd written by Phil Suematsu
' To use this macro, delete all shapes on Page-1 of the document, and
run this macro
' The resulting diagram may need to be scaled to fit the page
' To customize the diagram, change the seating parameters up to "---
End of configuration ---"
' The dimensions of Page-1 are 44ft wide by 34ft high (this macro may
be dependent on these dimensions)
' The seat shape is the only object on Page-2 of the document
' The dimensions of the seat shape are 2ft by 1.75ft (this macro may
be dependent on these dimensions)
Sub CopyRotate()
Const pi = 3.1415926
' --- Start of configuration ---
Const RowDepth = 24 ' Depth of each row
Const RadiusStart = 100 ' Radius of front row
Const AisleWidth = 45 ' Width of aisles
' A section is defined by the group of seats bounded by the left
or right sides or aisles
Const MaxSection = 3 ' Number of sections
Const MaxRow = 10 ' Number of rows
Dim SeatCount(MaxRow, MaxSection) As Integer
SeatCount(1, 1) = 3 ' Row 1 Section 1 (Defines the front row)
SeatCount(1, 2) = 2 ' Row 1 Section 2
SeatCount(1, 3) = 3 ' Row 1 Section 3
SeatCount(2, 1) = 4 ' Row 2 Section 1
SeatCount(2, 2) = 3 ' Row 2 Section 2
SeatCount(2, 3) = 4 ' Row 2 Section 3
SeatCount(3, 1) = 5
SeatCount(3, 2) = 4
SeatCount(3, 3) = 5
SeatCount(4, 1) = 6
SeatCount(4, 2) = 5
SeatCount(4, 3) = 6
SeatCount(5, 1) = 6
SeatCount(5, 2) = 6
SeatCount(5, 3) = 6
SeatCount(6, 1) = 7
SeatCount(6, 2) = 7
SeatCount(6, 3) = 7
SeatCount(7, 1) = 8
SeatCount(7, 2) = 8
SeatCount(7, 3) = 8
SeatCount(8, 1) = 9
SeatCount(8, 2) = 9
SeatCount(8, 3) = 9
SeatCount(9, 1) = 10
SeatCount(9, 2) = 10
SeatCount(9, 3) = 10
SeatCount(10, 1) = 11
SeatCount(10, 2) = 11
SeatCount(10, 3) = 11
Dim SectionAngle(MaxSection + 1) As Double
SectionAngle(1) = 22 ' Angle (Degrees) of left side of
seating chart
SectionAngle(2) = 66 ' Angle (Degrees) of leftmost aisle
SectionAngle(3) = 180 - 66 ' Angle of next aisle
SectionAngle(4) = 180 - 22 ' Angle of right side of seating
CenterX = 265 ' Center of seating chart
CenterY = -RadiusStart * Sin(SectionAngle(1) / 360 * 2 * pi) +
' --- End of configuration ---
For i = 1 To MaxSection + 1
SectionAngle(i) = SectionAngle(i) / 360 * 2 * pi ' Convert
to radians
Radius = RadiusStart
For Row = 1 To MaxRow
nSeat = 0
For Section = 1 To MaxSection
Angle = SectionAngle(Section)
If Section <> 1 Then
Angle = Angle + Atn(AisleWidth / Radius) / 2
End If
StopAngle = SectionAngle(Section + 1)
If Section <> MaxSection Then
StopAngle = StopAngle - Atn(AisleWidth / Radius) / 2
End If
AngleDelta = (StopAngle - Angle) / (SeatCount(Row,
Section) - 1)
For i = 0 To SeatCount(Row, Section) - 1
nSeat = nSeat + 1
ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem.Cells("PinX") =
CenterX + Radius * Cos(pi - Angle)
ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem.Cells("PinY") =
CenterY + Radius * Sin(pi - Angle)
ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem.Cells("Angle") = pi
- Angle
ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem.Text = Str(Row) +
"," + Str(nSeat)
Angle = Angle + AngleDelta
Radius = Radius + RowDepth
End Sub