Second Click to Add Record shows first subform record



I have a button on Main form that allows me to add records to the
subform via an entry form. When I save that entry, I return to the
form and it adds the new data. If I need to add another subform record
or delete a subform record and then click the Add button, I get the
information for the first subform record instead of a new dataentry
form. I have tried many different things but nothing works. Any help is
appreciated. Below is the code for the button

Private Sub VisitEntry_Click()
'New variable
Dim fContinue As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_VisitEntry_Click
'Start with fContinue true then mark it
'false whenever a field needs to be fixed
fContinue = True
'Only check existing records
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
If IsNull(Me.County) Then
MsgBox "County must be entered"
fContinue = False
ElseIf IsNull(Me.EthnicGroup) Then
MsgBox "Ethnic Group must be entered"
fContinue = False
ElseIf DMax("VisitDate", "UserDates", "UserNumber = " &
Nz([UserNumber], 0)) = Date Then
MsgBox "Today's Visit Already Exits"
fContinue = False
End If
End If

If fContinue Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "VisitEntry", acFormAdd, , "[UserNumber]=" &
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_VisitEntry_Click

End Sub

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