Section and Page numbering?



I am using Word 2003.
I have a 50 page document split up into 5 sections. I
would like to have the Section and Section page number at
the top in the header. I would also like to have the
Present page number and total of pages in the footer.
For example:

Section: 3 p. 1
Code: Section: {SECTION \* MERGEFORMAT} p. {PAGE}

Page 23 of 50
Code: Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}

My section pages are working fine using {SECTION \*
MERGEFORMAT}. My page numbers for the header and footer
seem to be connected. Both header and foot are not link
to the previous header or footer and should be
independent. When I change the {PAGE} in the header or
footer from (continue from previous) to (start at) both
the header and footer change. I want the header {PAGE}
to be set to (start at) and the footer {PAGE} to be set
to (continue from previous). How do I unlink the header
and footer {PAGE} code?
Thanks in advance.

Chad DeMeyer


The page number format is by section. Unfortunately, what this means is
that you can't set the page number field to return one value in the header
and another in the footer. The workaround I've seen for this is to set a
bookmark (e.g., "Sec3Start") on the first paragraph of the section, then get
your section page number using a combination of formula and pageref fields,

{ = { PAGE } - { PAGEREF Sec3Start } + 1 }


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